So, now I have to decide which things I feel make me successful. In order to do that, I've broken it down into 5 categories where I feel I'm successful: My faith, family, life in general, work outside the home, work at home.
Faith - My family and I are very active in our church. I am the director for our Angel Food Ministries program which allows anyone to purchase $50-75 worth of food for $25 each month. That program is very successful and I was the one who presented it to our church. It's not successful because of just me... it takes many, many hands to make that program work each and every month, but I am thrilled to be a part of it. I am also a Certified Lay Speaker for our church, so I am called on often to share God's word when the preacher cannot be there. I'm also in our church choir, bell choir and I teach the adult Sunday School class. My life is blessed 100 fold by my participation in these church activities.
Family - I feel I am a successful wife and mother. I've been married to my sweetie Frank for 20 years (almost 21!) and we have two beautiful girls who are 16 and 13. The three of them are my life. Without them, I can't even imagine living. My husband has a successful job that he loves and our girls are really, truly good girls. They each are on the honor roll at school consistently each semester and very involved with our church. They also have many outside activities at school that keep me running :)
Life in General - Last summer, Frank and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary with a trip to Gatlinburg for a week while the girls were in church camp. When we got back and I had our pictures developed, I was disgusted with myself... I had gained weight the last few years, so I decided to make a lifestyle change effective immediately. Since then, I have lost just over 25 pounds and I'm 10 pounds away from my goal weight! After searching for a local support group to help both Becca and I lose weight, I decided to start one of my own with the help of TOPS. So, I'm the leader of that group and we conduct weekly weigh ins and meetings to help us all stay on track.
Work Outside The Home - I am the Office Manager for a very busy Funeral Home and Monument Company. We provide monuments for about 30 other funeral homes in our area, and I do all the design work, ordering of granite and foundations and keeping everything straight! lol! It's a very rewarding job and I feel I am very successful at it. When I started this job almost 5 years ago, we sold to about 12 funeral homes and had sales of about $75,000 a year. As of December of 2006, we have just over 30 funeral homes purchasing from us and our sales exceeded $400,000!
Work From Home - I have had several successful work at home businesses over the years. Unfortunately, due to problems with the companies themselves, two of them have closed their doors. I was one of the first Directors with 1800Partyshop and was on the Presidential Leadership Board. At one time, I had over 7,500 people in my downline with that company. Unfortunately, they closed their doors and it was all gone in an instance. I then became a consultant for a Christian Book direct sales company. I was on my way to making Manager with them and had 5 people in my downline. However, they too closed their doors. Now I am trying my hand at blogging! I am putting all of my free time into my 4 blogs in hopes that they will bring me some additional income on the side.
So, those are the 5 areas where I feel I am successful! My turn to tag a few people! I like to check with folks first and make sure they want to play, so I’ll edit this after I have five rounded up.
I have two takers so far!
Check out Work At Home Mom Revolution
and Fighting Fatigue The Blog Hog
If anyone wants to participate and I haven’t tagged you, please feel free to join in the fun! All I ask is that put a link back to this post! Have an awesome day!
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