Please mark your calendar to go blogtipping with me on Tuesday, May 1, 2007 - the anniversary of the first Blogtipping Day!
Blogtipping Definition: Blogtipping is where you publish a blog post in which you link to three unsuspecting blogs and offer three compliments and/or one helpful tip to each blogger. (Or adapt those numbers to your own preferences; the principle of selflessness is what matters most here.) Blogtipping is a refreshing and useful surprise that can start a blogger's month with a huge smile!
The first calendar day of each month is a new Blogtipping Day. Who will you sneak up behind and tip next time? :)
So come back on May 1st to see who I've Blogtipped! I'll be posting who I've Blogtipped with links to their sites. For each of my 4 blogs, I will be Blogtipping three other blogs that are similar to my blog, so I'll actually Blogtip 12 blogs on May 1st!
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