Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year's Resolution...

Well, I made a few New Year's Resolutions and goals for 2008 and so far I'm doing okay. Alright, I know it's only the 4th of January, but at least I'm off to a good start! lol!

Here's a list of my goals for 2008:

~ Weight loss/getting in better shape is at the top of my list. I'm going to Florida in February with Jillian and the marching band, and then on our cruise in May, so I need to get serious! (See my countdown tickers to the right!!!) I've already started with a new exercise routine on Tuesday and I'm on day 4! So far, so good! lol!

~ Spend more time with God. I've slacked off here as well... get back into reading my Bible every day and do a morning devotional. When I'm done exercising in the morning, I still have time before I need to get ready for work... plenty of time to do a devotional instead of jumping on the computer doing busy work...

~ Organizing the house a bit better... already started this. Hubby cleaned out the basement since he's was home last week opening up a LOT of space down there! We're now using it as our exercise room and I'm going to take all my sewing stuff down there so that I'm not sewing on the dining room table any more! Embarassed So it will be a craft/exercise area. It will free up a lot of space upstairs when I get the sewing stuff moved! When I was a scrapbook consultant, I used to hold my crops down there, it is a very large area! But over the past 6 years, we've kind of used it as a catch-all junk area!

~ Business.... get more serious about my blogs in order to make extra money for the cruise! Need to do some more reading to figure out how to increase revenue on them besides doing the paid to post type stuff. Have lots to learn there!!!!

~ Pay off debt! We've been paying extra toward our credit cards and hope to have them totally paid off this year. Also, we want to pay off dh's car by the beginning of summer so that he can buy a new one and Becca can have his old one for going to college. We also have a personal loan that will be paid off in March Laughing Yeah!!! We can put that payment towards the car loan. I've been watching our credit rating each month and hope that it continues to go up!

~ Put more money into savings each month! College for Becca is going to be expensive, so we need to put more money towards it each month.

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