Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Busy week!
Over the hump day! Yeah! We had a nice relaxing weekend, but things have been going full swing so far this week...
We're counting down the days to our Marching Band trip to Disney! Only 19 more days till we leave!!! The kids had band practice and a meeting about the trip on Monday night and they all tried on their uniforms to make sure they fit. I can't believe how many hems we have to let down in the pants! So many kids have gotten quite a bit taller just since the last football game at the end of October!
Between my brother, sister and I, we have worked out a plan to send my mom down to Tallahassee while we are in Orlando! She will fly down the same day we leave and go to my aunt's house (my dad's sister). My cousin and his wife will drive down on Wednesday to spend a few days with us in Orlando, and then my aunt and a couple other cousins and my mom will drive down Friday and stay till Sunday. So mom will get to visit with Aunt Janet for a week, and get to go to Disney with the band!
She cried when I told her last night that she was going! She hasn't been down there for 12 years... so she's very excited to spend some time at Aunt Janet's house and to see the kids in Disney.
This Sunday is my nephew Hunter's baptism at our church! We're going to have a little luncheon afterward for anyone who'd like to come. He's so precious! We stopped in to visit him last Sunday and spent a couple hours just enjoying him! He was awake the whole time! It's so neat to see him so alert! He smiles really big every time he hears my brother say, "Hey buddy!" to him! He sure knows his daddy!!!
Have a great week!
We're counting down the days to our Marching Band trip to Disney! Only 19 more days till we leave!!! The kids had band practice and a meeting about the trip on Monday night and they all tried on their uniforms to make sure they fit. I can't believe how many hems we have to let down in the pants! So many kids have gotten quite a bit taller just since the last football game at the end of October!
Between my brother, sister and I, we have worked out a plan to send my mom down to Tallahassee while we are in Orlando! She will fly down the same day we leave and go to my aunt's house (my dad's sister). My cousin and his wife will drive down on Wednesday to spend a few days with us in Orlando, and then my aunt and a couple other cousins and my mom will drive down Friday and stay till Sunday. So mom will get to visit with Aunt Janet for a week, and get to go to Disney with the band!
She cried when I told her last night that she was going! She hasn't been down there for 12 years... so she's very excited to spend some time at Aunt Janet's house and to see the kids in Disney.
This Sunday is my nephew Hunter's baptism at our church! We're going to have a little luncheon afterward for anyone who'd like to come. He's so precious! We stopped in to visit him last Sunday and spent a couple hours just enjoying him! He was awake the whole time! It's so neat to see him so alert! He smiles really big every time he hears my brother say, "Hey buddy!" to him! He sure knows his daddy!!!
Have a great week!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday, already...
Yep, it's Monday already. The weekend went way too fast! It was a nice one though. Dinner with our friends, the McQueen's, was very nice. We went to our local Italian restaurant and had a delicious meal. I made an apple pie, so we headed over to their house afterward to relax and talk, and eat our dessert. Their daughter Andrea and a few of Becca's other friends came over to our house to watch a movie while we were gone.
Saturday was the Lion King trip. It was fabulous!!! The show was amazing! The animals and singing, and just everything was superb! I would love to see it again! They're planning a trip in April to see Hair Spray, but I don't think we'll go because it's Easter weekend and we always have too much going on during Easter...
Sunday after church was relaxing, which we needed! lol! I did a little sewing and want to do more this evening after Becca gets a perm. She wants some big waves so that she can scrunch her hair and go... she usually straightens it now, but says she's ready for a change... I hope she likes it! lol!
Here's to a great week!
Saturday was the Lion King trip. It was fabulous!!! The show was amazing! The animals and singing, and just everything was superb! I would love to see it again! They're planning a trip in April to see Hair Spray, but I don't think we'll go because it's Easter weekend and we always have too much going on during Easter...
Sunday after church was relaxing, which we needed! lol! I did a little sewing and want to do more this evening after Becca gets a perm. She wants some big waves so that she can scrunch her hair and go... she usually straightens it now, but says she's ready for a change... I hope she likes it! lol!
Here's to a great week!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Lion King!

I am sooo excited! We are going to see The Lion King in Pittsburgh tomorrow! The show is coming to Pittsburgh for a about a month. It's the same show that Jillian saw when she went to New York City two years ago with the Chorus in school. She keeps telling us how amazing it is, and I keep seeing the previews on the tv. I can't wait!!!
This evening, the girls are both going out with friends, so Frank and I are on our own! Woo Hoo! We're going to go out to dinner with some good friends of ours, and I'm very much looking forward to it. We're invited back to their house after dinner, so I made an apple pie last night to take with us. It smelled so good after it was done baking! It was very hard to control ourselves and NOT eat it last night! lol!
There's nothing going on Sunday except for church, so hopefully I can get some sewing in during the afternoon. I need to finish up a quilt for Hunter, and I also want to get started on a making a few wallets. I purchased the pattern and it came in last week. The girls each want one. I'll post pictures when I get them done!
Have a Great weekend!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Dawn Direct Foam

We got a free sample in the mail a couple weeks ago. I have no idea how I got it because I don't remember requesting it, but it is a full sized bottle of Dawn Direct Foam and it included a big sponge. The idea behind this product is that you don't need to fill your sink full of water to wash dishes. They tell you to wet the sponge, put one squirt of the dish soap on the sponge and wash your dishes under running water.
Now, I've been doing this for years when I only have a few dishes, and my husband hates it when I do that! He says that I don't get the dishes clean enough without filling the whole sink. I totally disagree. I think it's worse to fill a whole sink full of water and let all the food particles land on the other dishes! When I wash them individually, with soap and a sponge under running water, my dishes feel and look cleaner.
So, when we got this sample and he read the directions, HE started using it that way too! Of course, how often does he do dishes lol! But at least now he doesn't roll his eyes when he sees me doing it!
The sponge they sent with it is way too big... it won't even fit in my glasses, so I just use a smaller sponge. You pump one squirt onto the sponge and it washes a lot of dishes! When there's not soap left on the sponge, you give it another squirt.
I will definitely buy some whenever this bottle runs out. We've been trying to cut back on electricity so we aren't running our dishwasher unless we have a big dinner and have lots of dishes.
Anyone else tried it yet?
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Year's Resolution...

Here's a list of my goals for 2008:
~ Weight loss/getting in better shape is at the top of my list. I'm going to Florida in February with Jillian and the marching band, and then on our cruise in May, so I need to get serious! (See my countdown tickers to the right!!!) I've already started with a new exercise routine on Tuesday and I'm on day 4! So far, so good! lol!
~ Spend more time with God. I've slacked off here as well... get back into reading my Bible every day and do a morning devotional. When I'm done exercising in the morning, I still have time before I need to get ready for work... plenty of time to do a devotional instead of jumping on the computer doing busy work...
~ Organizing the house a bit better... already started this. Hubby cleaned out the basement since he's was home last week opening up a LOT of space down there! We're now using it as our exercise room and I'm going to take all my sewing stuff down there so that I'm not sewing on the dining room table any more!

~ Business.... get more serious about my blogs in order to make extra money for the cruise! Need to do some more reading to figure out how to increase revenue on them besides doing the paid to post type stuff. Have lots to learn there!!!!
~ Pay off debt! We've been paying extra toward our credit cards and hope to have them totally paid off this year. Also, we want to pay off dh's car by the beginning of summer so that he can buy a new one and Becca can have his old one for going to college. We also have a personal loan that will be paid off in March

~ Put more money into savings each month! College for Becca is going to be expensive, so we need to put more money towards it each month.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Apples and Wine

Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes take the apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.
The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
Now Men. Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
Share this with all the good apples you know.
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