I know, I know, I've been MIA... Missing In Action. I don't know where the time has gone! I was so faithful for about 4 months in posting here, even when we went to Florida! Then the girls and I went to the beach for a few days with my SIL Beth and her daughter, and I let everything slide....
I think it's that end of the summer thing... you know, too many things to do before school starts and not enough time in the day to get it all done. But I'm back and planning to blog up a storm! So watch out!
Let's see... we had a wonderful time at the beach! As I wrote above, Frank's sister Beth and her daughter Breanna went with us to a beach in New Jersey about a week and a half ago. Jillian took two of her friends so she'd have someone to hang around with. We had beautiful weather the entire time and got lots of beach time in, as well as toured the Barnegat Lighthouse. We all climbed the stairs to the very top! Whew, were we tired! lol! But what a beautiful view! I'll post some pictures later tonight when I get home.

After we got back in town, it was rush, rush, rush... Band camp started for Jillian and we have many events

coming up. We already had a parade on Friday night for our annual Diamond Days celebration here in Blairsville, then Friday we head to Kennywood Park for a parade there. The next Tuesday is the Indiana County Fair Band Night where the kids will perform, and then the next Friday is our first football game! And mixed in there is the first day of school on Monday, the 27th.
So as you can see, we have a very busy schedule lined up over the next few weeks. I think August was much busier than any other month this summer... hope we make it! lol!