Well, it's been a while since I've posted, but it's time to start things back up again. Becca and I have the opportunity to go to Peru on a mission trip with my sister in law Beth in November of 2013. I want to start a blog specifically for the trip, but want to come up with a unique name for it, so until I do, I'll post here.
Beth went a couple years ago and came back with so many stories and pictures, that I have often thought of how neat it would be to go too, but just wasn't sure about it. She told me last week that she's planning another trip with the same group that went before and wanted to know if I wanted to go along. Ummm, yes!!!! So, I prayed about it, thought about it and talked to Frank about it and we have decided that as long as we can come up with the money, Becca and I will be going.
So, we need to come up with some unique fundraising ideas and plans on how we can come up with the money to go. Any ideas? It would just be the two of us selling or doing things to raise this money, so I really don't want to sell things like subs or pizza's or anything like that. We need some kind of unique idea. When Jill went to Germany, we made the Christian bracelets that she sold for $10 for two, then they would give one back to her to take to Germany so that she could give them out to the kids there. So I'm thinking that might be a neat way to raise money...
Here are a couple of links that I want to keep handy, so I'm posting them here so I won't lose them. The woman that organizes the trip has one that she uses when she's on her trips:
Pachita's Blog
The other is the
Adopt a School program that we'll be supporting.
So, my first post in quite a while is done!
I really hope and pray that I can keep this up because I'd love to keep a journal of our trip and be able to post, hopefully, while we are gone.